Lowongan Operator PT Kary Indomas Elok - Karawang
The company prides itself on utilizing advanced technology and state-of-the-art manufacturing processes to create fur fabrics that meet global standards. PT Kary Indomas Elok ensures that every product is crafted with precision, using high-grade materials to deliver exceptional texture, durability, and aesthetic appeal. This dedication to excellence has enabled the company to cater to a wide range of industries, including fashion, interior design, and automotive, where high-quality fur fabrics are in demand.
In addition to its focus on product quality, PT Kary Indomas Elok is also committed to sustainable and ethical practices. The company actively seeks to minimize its environmental impact by adopting eco-friendly production methods and responsibly sourcing materials. By balancing innovation with environmental consciousness, PT Kary Indomas Elok continues to strengthen its reputation as a leader in the fur fabric industry, while contributing positively to the global textile market and the communities it serves.
PT Kary Indomas Elok membuka lowongan untuk posisi sebagai berikut:
OPERATOR PRODUKSI1. Laki-laki usia max. 25 tahun
2. Pendidikan SLTA (SMK/SMA)
3. Non pengalaman dipersilahkan
4. Domisili Karawang & sekitarnya
1. Laki-laki usia max. 35 tahun
2. Pendidikan SLTA/D3
3. Mengerti & memahami jenis-jenis bahan kimia untuk proses pewarnaan kain
4. Pengalaman dibidang pewarnaan kain minimal 3 tahun
Barangkali ada saudara/tetangga/teman/kenalan yang tertarik atau sedang membutuhkan pekerjaan silahkan kirim CV ke email berikut :
Palinglambat tanggal 27 Maret 2025
PT Kary Indomas Elok
Kawasan Industri Mitra Karawang, Jl. Mitra Sel. II No.Kav.89, Parungmulya, Kec. Ciampel, Karawang, Jawa Barat 41361